Hey Dolls Time for an update... I have gone back and fourth with myself on weather or not to post this update not know if anyone is reading and not wanting to jeopardize my journey. Here goes - Last Tuesday 3/29 I went to my sleep evaluation at Oklahoma Sleep Institute. I got there, did my intake, and was taken back for questioning and then taken to Rachael who was the women that was going to conduct my evaluation. They took my blood pressure 3 to 4 times and informed me that my blood pressure was 220/140 and if it didn't go down with in a a minute or so they would not continue the evaluation and i would be sent to Emergency Room. Needless to say they went into a panic and made me go to the ER. I was there for about 4.5 hours (that sucked!) The monitored my blood pressure, took a blood and urine sample, and gave me a colonodine to get my numbers down.
So after that fiasco I went to primary care physician that Thursday. Blood pressure was still really high. Now, every time I have to get my blood pressure checked I laugh at myself thinking, "You idiot you used to do this for fun in any store that had them...look at you now!" I hate it!!! She raised my norvasc dosage and gave me something else. I also started taking Omega 3 vitamins daily. I have been feeling really blah since... really tired, dizzy, light headed, a little nauseous, and kind of dazed.
That Brings us up to yesterday. Time for my EGD with Dr. Gregory ($250). So i have never had an IV and never been put under that hard. I was having a conversation with the doctor and just kept hearing the nurse tell him ok I am giving her another one.... until i had 4 doses. I could have sworn like mid sentence I was gone. LOL. Started coming to in a different room and my mom at my side. I felt like i was wasted, it was awesome! I got home around 10am and passed the hell out - like dead to the world status - until 4pm. Had some home drama when i woke up.
Then around 4:30pm my phone rings. Caller ID was my surgeon's office. Still very groggy I answered and got the news. They are converting to a paperless filing system so they had to move my appointment from 4/20 to 5/25 at 1pm... Needless to say i am not please, they did say that because they had to move it the appointment could turn into my pre-op appointment meaning I would get my surgery like a week or two later. So i guess that is good news, right? My hopes are kind of dwindling... any words to help me deal with the time frame and being poked and prodded so much??
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How I want my body LOL |
Hang in there. Just think of how worth it all of this will be after it's over.