
Thinking about school options...

So I filled out my FAFSA when I did my taxes it said that I may qualify for an $1800 Pell grant but I have to contact the school to find out how much I actually get. I have been looking at several different classes or courses to take. I really want to take a photography class to improve and really hone in on my skills. My boyfriend really wants me to go to school for medical assisting or something along those lines. 

My sister Danielle looked at Heritage College and there Medical assisting course is $24,000… Um Ouch – wtc – I think it is so wrong to have to pay for education, or at least charging that much is wrong. So I am still looking. Francis Tuttle School of technology is looking pretty promising, they are not expensive and you have options and they have all kinds of classes to offer.

When I was in High school and younger I wanted to go to school for veterinary sciences and marine biology. Still do actually but OK is not really know for those things especially Marine biology. I wanted to be a trainer at Sea World and swim with Orcas and dolphins. Can’t believe it has been a year since Tilikum killed Dawn at Sea World Orlando.  Also after everything I have read, watched, and heard about marine parks I am not sure I would work at one, I still really want to kayak with orcas and dolphins and other animals in the wild.

 Courtesy of http://theorcaproject.wordpress.com 
What do you guys think? What courses or field should I pursue?

Weightloss Journey part 2

I have chosen to get a gastric sleeve surgery. I don’t know when I will get the operation but I am totally excited! Here is the update for the process and my appointment on the 10th

Okay so the 10th has come and gone – Started my day with a well woman’s exam (that was awesome… not). Discussed my birth control and she suggested Seasonique… I have been on the depo shot for like 9 years so I am not excited about the change but the surgeon’s office said that the depo is not good when you’re considering surgery. But the Seasonique is a pill you take and you have your cycle 1 time every 3 months. I have not been normal in that area in years because of the depo.

Then I went and had an “echo” done and the awesome pulmonary function test and stress test. Ok so I had no idea what the pulmonary function test was, basically for those of you who don’t know either… You sit in a chair and have a mouth piece that you breathe into and a nose clip to prevent any air coming out of your nose. The nurse has you do several breathing tests to measure lung function and capacity. It was hard because you really have to push ALL the air out of your lungs. Then the wonderful stress test, you wear a head piece that holds the mouth piece- and you get to wear the nose clip again... and you sit on a stationary bike and pedal your heart out. The bike gradually like every 2-4 seconds it ramps up the resistance. I was able to get to a heart rate of 163 and a rampage amount of 165 and damn it was hard. At the begging the resistance was stupid easy then within like 4 minutes it was really hard. The bike seat is really hard and uncomfortable also- when I got home dang my tushie was sore…

Then I met with the psychiatrist. He was awesome… annoying but awesome. Kept me laughing and I say annoying only because the he kept challenging what I was saying. Emphasis on “Can’t” and anxiety. He said I am an oppositionist  and need to make friends. LoL! But he said he thinks I am going to do great but definitely going to struggle. But he was excited because I said I was going back to school in conjunction with the surgery so I am putting myself out there.

Hopefully I will have some pictures up soon. I am hesitant to post because I look horrid and feel disgusting. But who wouldn’t feel that way when you are the biggest you have ever been. This is also new and scary having this on the web and out there for anyone to know. 

I have a support group meeting on Tuesday night so I will update you then to let you know what is going on… Also… for anyone else considering getting weight loss surgery go to YouTube and search for your surgery, it has been very informative and calming. 

Weightloss Journey part 1

Where do I begin? Well my name is Brittany I am currently 23 years old, and I live in Oklahoma City. I live with my boyfriend Brian we have been together for almost 4 years now, and our squirrel Kitty she will be 3 this year. Over the years I have tried many different ways to lose weight.

* Jenny Craig * Weight Watchers * Atkins * Shakes or smoothies * Most recently I tried HCG injections * and various other things not mentioned

I have never been “the skinny girl” I have always been thick and had curves. When I turned about 13 is when I knew I was unhealthy, I couldn’t run the mile in the maximum given time so I had to run or try to anyway every day for PE. Needless to say I hated every minute of it. I was always weighed around 150, I got down to 125 when I was experimenting but had to stop I was becoming a zombie.
Now I am 5’3’’ and when I last weighed in the scale decided it wanted me to feel horrid and proclaimed I weigh 250 which makes my BMI 44.5 according to WebMD. I have been battling with high blood pressure, fatigue, LOW self-esteem, anxiety, and depression for the last 6 years. I have been watching my weight just sky rocket and my appearance fade because I got the gift of a million stretch marks… EVERYWHERE!?! I have a very limited wardrobe and a very minimal sex life. 

I decided I have to do something drastic and regain not only my self-esteem but confidence and clothing options as well.  I have decided I am at a point in my life when weight loss surgery is an option, and I can’t wait. My appointment day is on the 10th of March. I will keep you posted and add some pictures soon. If you have any questions feel free to ask. 

Here is what i look like now... kind of this picture was taken a while back but it’s pretty accurate.

And here is what i am aiming for or better 


Time for a change

Hey guys & gals thanks for coming and checking out my new blog. I have decided to create a blog because I am embarking on a new chapter and journey in my life and wanted to share my struggles and process with anyone who is curious... I can’t guarantee this is going to be awesome or interesting. But I am a very random person and am going to share some random things with all of you.... 

Again thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy what's to come!

Go into yourself. Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread its roots into the very depths of your heart; confess to yourself whether you would have to die if you were forbidden to write. This most of all: ask yourself in the most silent hour of your night: must I write? *** Letters to a young poet